[Moon] G3LTF 9cm Dubus CW results

Peter Blair pkb100 at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 18 22:24:17 CEST 2016

Lots of activity and, for once, calm weather. Even though the declination was fairly low I managed to work through the trees (no leaves yet) for some early QSOs. I worked 21,  HB9Q, VK3NX, DF3RU, OK1CA, SP6OPN, OK1DFC, OZ6OL, S59DCD, S57NML, ES5PC, S53MM, OK1KIR, PA3DZL, SM6PGP, G4CCH, OH1LRY, PA0BAT, VE4MA, OH2DG, 9A5AA, K2UYH. A very weak station called me at about 17.30 on Sunday but never responded to my QRZ. A pity as with a bit more time for tuning in the right filter width, they would have been readable. On 17th at 0920 I had 18.4dB sun noise (SF109) and 5.4dB Gnd / CS and at 1500 moon noise was 1.3dB. (400Kkm)
Thanks to all for the nice QSOs, 
73 Peter G3LTF 

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