[Moon] Invitation to SP6 EME/SHF meeting Morawa 2017

ok1teh Petrzilka ok1teh at seznam.cz
Wed Jul 19 10:39:38 CEST 2017

Hi all,

if you are thinking about the short Summer trip, try consider to visit
SP Microwave/EME meeting at Morawa JO80KG64LV
near to OK/SP6 border on 18-20th August. It's popular meeting which

was earlier organized at Zieleniec. Hotel is really big so I'm sure that
there will be enough space for any more participants including

family members, more info at:


Some pictures from previous years:

By the way I'm NOT member of the meeting committee, 

but while Staszek SP6GWB didn't make any bigger
advertising, I forward the info ;)

73 & cu at Morawa
Matej, OK1TEH

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